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Porkies and Toms

dalton turkeyjordan hogThe Beri brothers, Jordan and Dalton, were a 100% on their Outdoor Dream Foundation hog/turkey combo hunt. A large private ranch in central Florida provided plenty of opportunities for harvesting game and having fun.

The boys practiced their shooting using a scope with an IPhone attached to enhance their target acquisition abilities. The practice really paid off…

Jordan scored first with a large hog. The following morning Dalton dropped a Tom with a 10” beard and 1 ¼” spurs. Dalton finished the day by stoning a hog and earning the nickname “1-shot Dalton”.

dalton hogjordan turkey

Not to be outdone by his younger brother, Jordan buckled down and did his best to keep from talking in the blind. His silence paid off with a Tom on the last evening of his hunt.

dalton horsejordan calfBetween hunting outings, the boys experienced life on a cattle ranch. Dalton did some horse riding and Jordan bottle fed and orphan calf named Simba.